About us

Professionals and citizens coordinate in a network and work together in neighbourhoods to promote healthy and sustainable food. 

The Alison Network is coordinated by the Living Lab for Health at the IrsiCaixa research centre. It is supported by the CaixaResearch Living Lab and European Commission-funded projects (FIT4FOOD2030, FoodCLIC, FOSTER and CLEVERFOOD). The promoters of the Alison Network are the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the Barcelona City Council, and the "la Caixa" Foundation.


Qui som

We are professionals and people from different areas of the food system

  • Professionals from local and regional government, universities, research centres, social enterprises, hospitals and primary care centres, public health agencies, community centres and neighbourhood centres, schools and many more!
  • Citizens

Transforming food environments together

Working for a healthier and more sustainable future

The Alison Network aims to respond to multiple food challenges, such as changing eating habits caused by new lifestyles, obesity and health inequalities, environmental degradation and climate change, rising global demand for food, scarcity of natural resources and food waste, among others. 

These challenges are complex, persistent and interconnected, and represent an area of growing attention and concern.

To address this, various international, national, regional and local bodies are stressing the need for an urgent transformation of the entire food system. In the Alison Network, we want to contribute by focusing on transforming the food environments where people obtain information and access food.

We aim to transform the system towards more sustainable, resilient, accountable, diverse, competitive and inclusive models that address these challenges in a holistic, collaborative and decentralised way.

We are aligned with the European Commission’s FOOD2030 and Farm to Fork strategies, as well as with national, autonomous community, regional and local strategies (e.g. the NAOS Strategy, PEAC, the AMB Strategy and the Sustainable Food Strategy, respectively).


How do we network?

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